Earth and Beyond Stress Test Servers are ONLINE!

As per: (

The stress test server is going live, soon…. wait, I’m hearing…. NOW? OH SNAP!

Today marks the first day of the stress test’s opening, sorry for the lateness but there were many things that were needed to get done, but finally it is OUT, the stress test is open to every and all people.

This stress test is just like every other one, except many new things in this one, ask around, you may hear a few things, and learn about it.

I know you’re all antsy and ready to go, so I’ll get right to it.

A Working version of ENB (Client) IS required prior to the installation of the launcher. We cannot distribute you links to the client directly, but google’s a good source to look, and maybe some threads here, too for safe measure.

This installer is REQUIRED, IF you have an older install of Net7, DOWNLOADING This WILL Clear your C:\net7 folder and do our fresh install (At the moment this is the ONLY place this will work… Even if your install is on a different drive… sorry, support for different drives will be later on) The launcher WILL replace the once existing patcher, but you have to let it run the updates.

All your previous accounts HAVE BEEN SAVED, so if you were around for ST1/2 you do not need to create another account, and can request your username and password from the signup page.

The only thing we are allowed to distribute is our launcher which will update all the files, and it is a REQUIRED download for THIS STRESS TEST, even if you’ve been to our other ones.

This Setup file will also allow you to install Myatu’s (In my opinion) AWESOME program, that replaces the old configuration for EnB, with a more modern, richer, and more customizable interface for settings and EnB configurating!

Before USING (not installing) the configuration utility, update everything by using the launcher first, after the updates are completed, you may then configure the game. This is a recent problem that arose and the prior is the solution to it.

—New Launcher Download Link—

For those who have NOT signed up yet the download link is right below

—Signup For ST3—

Please turn off your spam filters as our sendmail features may not be allowed through all ISP’s.

Once the launcher loads, please let it patch files, also, you MAY have to (for some ISP’s) use the option to use local cert.
There will be a guide or a self help section here posted by experienced users on how this process works, but for right now I’m exhausted and after 3 hours of setting this up, I’m going to turn in, enjoy the stress test!

The server we’re playing on is

Keep our servers alive guys and donate!!

See you on the other side!

Crackdown: A meh game?
Crackdown wasn’t such a success after all. This was the revelation given out by Realtime Worlds boss, Dave Jones. Despite all the grand  posturing about how awesome the game was, in actuality, they only sold enough to break even.

Crackdown - Image 1

"With Crackdown we sold about 1.5 million copies, but even at that we pretty much only managed to break even," said Jones. "It was due to the amount of factors that were out of our control as the developer, influences such as GameStop‘s amazing used-game sales; we know 1.5 million new copies were sold, but it’s likely there were 2.5, three million sold when you include used."
Yeowch. GameStop hurting game devs. Now who would’ve thought.

Economy down! Economy down!

We feel for our UK-based gaming brothers-and-sisters-in-arms. We’ve seen the gaming industry putting them through the financial wringer many times in the past, but a recent report from MCV describes the cruelest economic hardships they’ve ever had to face — Activision has kicked the UK price of Modern Warfare 2 up to £54.99 (close to $90), and according to the report, other publishers may plan to follow suit, raising the prices on their titles as we move into the holiday season.
The price hike is attributed to rising game development costs and the faltering strength of the pound — still, compared to last holiday season, when titles like Prince of Persia and Far Cry 2 hit store shelves for around £40, it’s a pretty sizable leap to make in just one year. However, not everyone is following Activision’s example — Electronic Arts responded to MCV’s report, confirming that it would not increase the RRP of its holiday releases. We’ll see which strategy pays off once the smoke from the holiday shopping season clears.

JoystiqReport: Modern Warfare 2 triggering UK games price hike, EA not budging originally appeared on Joystiq on Thu, 16 Jul 2009 16:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

Modern Warfare 2 "Prestige Edition" to Cost $150

Modern Warfare 2 Prestige EditionThe News: The other day we covered the Modern Warfare 2 "Prestige Edition," which comes with night-vision goggles among other goodies. We speculated that the NVGs would drive up the cost, and now Infinity Ward has announced that it will retail for $149.99. The "Hardened Edition" will cost $79.99.

Our Take: Even at a high mark-up, the package still isn’t as costly as a quality pair of night-vision goggles, so don’t expect these to be military-grade. Still, they look awfully cool and the package does come with a download voucher for the original Call of Duty, so we’re sure more than a few fans will pick up the Prestige.
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Why in the heck would you pay $150 for a game?

Serious Sam HD One-Liner Contest 

Serious Sam HD

Ever get the feeling that even your kid sister could write snappier one-liners than the Serious Sam developers over at Croteam? Now that Serious Sam HD is headed for Xbox Live Arcade, production company Devolver Digital are willing to let you, your sister, and anyone else who’s interested take a shot at writing a line of dialog for the Serious Sam remake.

How should you go about submitting your lovingly-crafted wisecracks and witticisms? Why, it wouldn’t be a modern gaming contest without Twitter. Aspiring game writers can fire off a tweet to @devolverdigital anytime between today, July 15, and Thursday, July 30. Croteam will evaluate the contributions and announce a winner sometime in early August, and the winning submission will be recorded and added to the XBLA game before its release later this year.

Get to quipping, folks. It’s not every day that the average Joe gets to hear a line of dialog they wrote in a videogame, let alone see their name in the credits of one. 

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Modder places USB flash drive in Atari 2600 cart

Well, kids, if you like your USB drives with a little style, a little kitsch, and far too large to be carried conveniently, a gentleman named Robotic Evil, Inc. has just the thing for you. The evil one is hard at work as we speak, taking 2GB thumb drives and placing them in the artifacts of genuine geek nostalgia. Really, who wouldn’t want to receive a hand-assembled computer peripheral in the shape of an Atari game cartridge or an NES controller? These things cost $29.99 (add another $5 for shipping and handling) and they’re available at this dude’s Etsy store. Check out the NES controller / drive yourself after the break.

[Via BoingBoing]

Via [Engadget]