Pac-Man Fever FINALLY on Rockband

and a few other Buckner & Garcia video game…  hits.

  • Buckner & Garcia’s "Froggy’s Lament" – 160 MSP ($2)
  • Buckner & Garcia’s "Hyperspace" – 160 MSP ($2)
  • Buckner & Garcia’s "Mousetrap" – 160 MSP ($2)
  • Buckner & Garcia’s "Pac-Man Fever" – 160 MSP ($2)
  • Guitar Hero IV to be a Rock Band knock off.

    [Tech Radar] has a nice write up about some up coming features of the newest primary version of Guitar Hero, and low and behold.. they can’t come up with some original, so they are ‘stealing‘ ‘borrowing’  the Rock band idea by adding drums and a Mic.


    Activision CEO Bobby Kotick has now gone on record, stating after Guitar Hero: Aerosmith, Activision will be concentrating on Guitar Hero IV.  With the only ‘new’ feature over Rock Band is the inclusion of local band songs to the planned downloadable content. 


    Speaking of music, where as Activision has access to the Universal Music library, Rock Band has EA and MTV.  Will they be able to compete?  Can you have a Guitar Hero with drums?   And will you be able to play those drums one handed?

    (10 points to anyone that gets that reference..LOL)


    05/14/08 – Update

      Fine, no one gets the points. 😛
      Way, QJ.NET has [some updates] to this thread about what’ll be coming to GH4 which boils down to:
    1) More then just Drums, Bass, and Vocals?  It’s possible.
    2) The ability to create your own guitar and drum sounds (?!.. why?)
    3)  Song Creation. Yep create your own track!  minus the vocals.
    4) Song ratings:  You can help out bands by rating them high, which allows them to upload more songs.
    5) ok, THIS is good.. ALL songs will be master recordings, and beside Def Leopard, look like ‘The Answer’, Van Halen, The Eagles, Linkin Park and Sublime will have tracks.

    6) and a new guitar design from Red Octane which has an innovative input mechanic subject for patent.   Now to search for the patent… =/

    Motley Crue to have a new single…

    Well now, Motley Crue has announced that there new single “Saints of Los Angeles” will be NOT be released like a ‘normal’ single, but will be sold as a playable download for RockBand.  This sounds like something KISS is going to kick themselves in the ass for.. but the Crue will be the first band in history to release a single though a Video Game.

    been trying to tell people for years.. WHO needs the RIAA when we have the net, and the Guitar Hero and RockBand series?!

    RockBand standalone instruments!

    Rock Band

    For many people, especially those who play the game on their PS3, you’re limited to a 3-person band. That’s great and all if you’re lacking in the friends department, but if you have three buddies that want to do some serious jamming, you’re pretty much out of luck. Thankfully Harmonix has finally announced the release of their standalone instruments.

    The first controller that we’ll see is the drum kit which will hit stores on February 12 for around $80. Guitarists will have to wait until the first of April in order to get themselves a second axe. This will set you back $60. While I’m a bit surprised that they haven’t announced a release date for the microphone, I can’t say that I’m all that worried about it. Almost any USB mic will work, so it’s not really a big deal.

    I’ll be interested to see how many people actually buy just the drums and game. Bear in mind that the standalone version of the game retails for $60, which would bring the total to right around $140, which only saves you $30. If anything, buy the bundle and sell the guitar.

    Source: IGN