ZeniMax Media Acquires id Software

Via: http://www.gameslice.com/2009/06/24/id-software-gets-bought/

Holy mother of all that’s good and pure. Fallout 3 parent company buys out the makers of Doom?!   I don’t know why this is hitting me like this I’m totally floored.    Granted Quake3, Doom3, Quake4 really havn’t done that well, and ZeniMax has made a killing with Marrowind, Oblivion, and Fallout3 but enough to snatch up ID?   Wow..  just wow.

On the bright side, ID has come up with some pretty nifty game engines and now that they will own the ID’s franchises perhaps Doom4 will go back to it’s roots and be fun again!

good luck ZeniMax.. you’ve got some big shoes to fill.

Fallout 3: First Impressions (with minor Spoilers)

Playing thru this  next Bethesda masterpiece, it almost feels like it should be called Fallout: Oblivion.

And that is not a bad thing.

For those of you that don’t know, it was done on the same engine that Oblivion was done on and given a few enhancements along the way and playing thru this so far, you almost can’t help but wonder what would happen if they at Bethesda had waited until now to make Oblivion…one can wish….

(Sidebar: GameStop offered a buy 2 pre owned games and get one free and since I never did finish thoroughly Oblivion, I picked it up….again…..something to keep me occupied over the long winter ahead.)

Either way, you still get a nice customization screen that most of you have heard about and then like Oblivion, you get a bit of a tutorial as to how to get around , you learn more about your family and so
on….I won’t bore you about the details because I know most of you already know.

This game handles really well as to be expected and graphically speaking, it is impressive.  When you see the monster cockroaches, they will make your skin crawl! Can we say RPG of the year?

I do like the VATS targeting system which allows you target specific parts of your enemy  and take it out and the resulting cut scene that appears as you perform the move.

As I saw mentioned elsewhere  I do like the fact that as you play, you start to feel a bit attached to some of the characters.  Early on, My bully needed help for his mom being attacked by roaches and depending on your moral compass, you can tell him to buzz off or do it, either way you won’t be disappointed on how the game reacts to your decision.

In another section, someone wanted to me to do something that would have the end result of destroying an entire community so that his company could ‘gentrify’ the area.  I went to those in charge and told them what’s going on…unfortunately the end result made that person’s child an orphan and made me sad, part of it had to do with the fact that it was a murder in cold blood and I made a hot headed choice because that character was so helpful early on…and now you don’t have them anymore and it kind of makes you feel that everything good in life that happened since you woke up that morning to see all that good brutally taken from you break you  piece by piece inside.

I also (dis)liked that there are people in this game that will try to hustle you, play you and just out and out lie…and this is just the first town wait til you get to the 2nd one! now mind you, for every deed that you do, good or bad you get "Karma" points so play wisely….LOL.

And this is different than Fable II…in that game, I don’t feel that same level of attachment for my characters like I do here, as a matter of fact, sometimes I feel more like being obnoxious with some fo them just to see what happens.

The quest system is about the same as Oblivion and similar to that game, you have to pick your battles.

I don’t have that many complaints except  to say that I wish there was a little more scripting for the AI at some story points because it seems like if you do something to finish it, it’s kind of done and there should be more…

And maybe I have gotten spoiled by GoW and GTA IV, but now I feel that games featuring combat shooting systems should have some kind of cover system in it….heh!

I haven’t progressed too far, and maybe it does further down the line, but from what i have seen and what most of us have seen in sci-fi movies like this, I kind of wish that the wilderness would get ‘more dangerous’ after sunset. You know…for a real challenge if you want to get from point a to point b, once the sunsets the monsters are more powerful or their numbers are greater.

But really my complaint list is very short.

The sounds are cool especially on a great surround system especially metal on metal door openings which can be grating on the nerves but fits right in this game.

So far I would say that I wish I had more hands so I could give it 4 thumbs up! 2 will be suffice so, get this game and enjoy it…if you are going to be too distracted with GoW2 or COD 5, get this game and
let it set for a bit because once you play, you will be sucked in!

PS Look for the 2 headed cow early on….lol

— Posted by: DreddHeadedPoet 10/29/08

Interplay.. Back in Action?

Interplay resurrection report: new website

Well, calling it a “website” might be a bit of a stretch. It’s more of a digital poster really. Still, it looks like the rebirth of Interplay is officially underway. Fastidious X3F readers will recall that the company submitted an SEC filing late last year that detailed plans to return to the video game development business, largely in thanks to the profits made in the sale of the
Fallout IP to Bethesda. Said plans included the revival of several of Interplay’s well-known franchises including Earthworm Jim, MDK, and Baldur’s Gate. It seems that Interplay is moving forward with its plans, as the new website will attest. Consisting solely of the image seen on Interplay.com   Clearly it references all three of the franchises mentioned above as well as Fallout (most likely the MMO Interplay has been talking about since 2006). Let’s hope we see some details sooner rather than later.


[Via Xbox 360 Fanboy]

Update:  04/09/07

[Interplay] now has officially surfaced: Interplay is building up a development team, and looking to begin a Fallout MMO.

The beleaguered publisher was delisted from the NASDAQ and pretty much closed down in 2004. Its famous internal studio Black Isle was packed up, members going on to work at studios like Obsidian and Troika. The publisher, however, retained its name and intellectual property, inluding Fallout, Earthworm Jim, MDK and Descent / Freespace.

In 2007, the Fallout property was flogged to Bethesda (who are now working on Fallout 3) for just under $6 million. Importantly, though, Interplay retained the rights to develop an MMO based on the Fallout universe.

With cash in pocket, the publisher is now recruiting for its new internal development team, and looking for financing for its two pronged development plan – the Fallout MMO and the reinvigoration of other, smaller IPs.

There’s a long road ahead for Interplay. Its strength as a publisher was always the pull of its development teams, so with Black Isle, Volition, Bioware and Shiny all either dissolved or otherwise engaged, starting from scratch could be a tall order.

Still, a new team and fantastic IP can’t be a bad start.

[Via GameShadow]